Wednesday, May 30, 2012

kids count

-by Christy Fitzwater

For a long time I taught kids at church because I had kids and felt obligated to get involved.  I enjoyed it and felt it was valuable, but in the back of my mind I always thought someday I would “graduate” and move on to work with adults, where teaching about God was really important. 

Then I watched the Jesus video for children, which depicted the story of Jesus’ life from the kids’ point of view.  I saw them wrestle with who Jesus was, as they listened to Jesus and then also listened to what their parents were saying about Jesus.  I realized kids have to go through the same thought processes as adults, to decide whether they will follow Jesus or not.  God said to me, The souls of children matter. 

Then I went on a two-week trip to Africa where I was going to do something really important and teach adults the Bible.  But I stood up one night to tell my story of knowing Jesus, and I looked down into a sea of children.  The adult Bible study went horrible during the week, but I really felt like I connected with the kids.  The souls of children matter, God said to me. 

I came home, feeling like a failure when it comes to talking to people about God.  Then I walked into a room full of children where I teach at church every Wednesday, and God said, The souls of children matter. 

Jesus said, “Unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.”  (Matthew 18:3)  A child’s humble, open heart puts him at the perfect place to receive Christ.   

What children are in your circle of influence?  Your own kids?  Grandkids?  A neighbor kid?  Nieces and nephews?  The souls of children matter.  Look for every opportunity to talk to kids about God. 

Monday, May 21, 2012

Now that wasn't so hard.

-by Christy Fitzwater

I was checking out at the grocery store, and the cashier said, “I saw that movie.”  At first I didn’t know what she meant, but then I followed her eyes and realized I was wearing my October Baby t-shirt, a movie about a young woman who looks for answers in her past and hope for her future. 

I gave the cashier the money for my groceries, and we chatted superficially about the movie for a second.   

As she handed me my receipt, I realized my t-shirt had given me a perfect opportunity bring God into the conversation, so I quickly tried to think of something to draw God and the movie together. 

It’s really good to see that God can take something hard and turn it into something good.  That’s all I said.  Her eyes held mine for just a second, and I tried to speak the truth of those words to her with that one look. 

Maybe telling people about God isn’t nearly, nearly as hard as I imagine it to be.  Maybe it only requires being always attentive for opportunities to speak.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

for those who agonize over a soul far from God

-by Christy Fitzwater

In high school study hall Robert declared he didn’t believe there was a God.  And my grew-up-in-Sunday-School jaw dropped open.  I had never met anyone who didn’t believe in God before, and it pained me deeply.

So I started praying for him.  The condition of his soul weighed heavily on my own, and I could not stop thinking about him.  He made his declaration the spring of our senior year, and after that we went our separate ways.  But I never stopped praying for him –almost every day for four years.  His atheism was a sliver in my mind, the pain and anxiety for him always rising up inside me. 

I prayed and prayed and prayed.

Four years later I was working a summer job at a grocery store in my home town, and one day I was introduced to a new employee.  Robert.  My heart stopped when I saw his face, and the agony for his soul filled mine.

We were both getting off work at the same time, so I determined to have a talk with him.  Working up all my courage, I started to tell him I had been praying for him.  Started to tell him about God and hoped his heart was in a different place this time.

But before I could get it out he said, “Hey, I have to tell you something that just happened to me.”  He pulled a cross necklace out from under his shirt and told me how he had just chosen to follow Christ.

I just talked to a friend yesterday who was in agony for the soul of her family members who are far from God.  Tears filled her eyes as she talked about them.

Is that you?  Don’t give up.  NEVER give up praying.  Live in agony for that person, and continue to approach the throne of heaven with your request for the salvation of a precious soul.  Be miserably desperate in your soul on that person’s behalf. 

Never give up.  Dig in.  Get your feet planted, and be willing to spend years praying –if that’s what it takes.